About me

I am an assistant professor for computational radiology at the Department of Neuroradiology at the Medical University of Innsbruck. In 2017, I received the Erwin Schrödinger Fellowship of the Austrian Science Fund to work as a postdoctoral fellow at the MRI science lab of the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. Prior to that, I worked as PhD student and later on postdoctoral researcher in the Neuroimaging Research Group at the Medical University of Graz.

My research focus is the development and validation of quantitative MRI techniques for measuring iron and myelin in the brain, with a strong focus on application in neurological disorders. During my PhD I investigated the effect of temperature and fixation in post-mortem MRI and initiated several post-mortem studies for validation of new quantitative MRI techniques. In this context I performed superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometry measurements on biological tissue to determine their biophysical properties and compared these with MRI data. Furthermore, I closely collaborated with project partners on performing electron microscopy, mass spectroscopy and histological analysis on brain tissue subsequent to post-mortem MRI for his validation studies.


05/2022: Our recent work on iron content in RLS is published in NeuroImage Clinical „Revisiting brain iron deficiency in restless legs syndrome using magnetic resonance imaging

05.10.2021: Our recent work „Recovering SWI-filtered phase data using deep learning“ is published in Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.

29.07.2021: Our work on „Automated segmentation of deep brain nuclei using convolutional neural networks and susceptibility weighted imaging“ was published in Human Brain Mapping

04.06.2021: Together with Dr. Lenz an colleagues from University of Basel I worked on „Sensitivity of fiber orientation dependent R2* to temperature and post mortem intervall“ which was published in Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.

05.20.2020: Our new paper „Myelin water imaging depends on white matter fiber orientation in the human brain“ was published in Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.

10.08.2020: Summa Cum Laude Merit Award at ISMRM 2020

23.06.2020: Our new paper „The influence of iron oxidation state on quantitative MRI parameters in post mortem human brain“ in NeuroImage is online.